Friday, June 20, 2014

How's the Note 3 holding up? Other stuff as well!

Well, I'm happy to say that my Note 3 experience has been pretty good, so far.  About the only thing I've noticed that I don't like so far is the bloatware that comes with the phone and the fact that Samsung did away with the facial recognition lock screen configuration (not that that's a huge deal, given that this option isn't the most secure unlocking mechanism, but none are 100% well, facial recognition is two-factor; the face and a PIN are used to unlock the phone).

Also, I was hoping to see that Find My Mobile was actually functional for US phones...sadly, it is not, just like the Note 2.  Yes, there are tons of apps out there that can assist in finding your lost/stolen mobile, but the Samsung solution is free, native to the Galaxy phones, and offers a crap-load more features (for free) than any other free solution you can find on the Play Store.  That being said, I'm now using Prey, which I was using with my Thunderbolt (and laptops).  That's the only free solution that I've found offers near the same amount of features as Find My Mobile.  Another thing:  I've a Norton AV subscription (it includes three licenses).  It isn't cheap at all, IMO.  Well, they offer a mobile app with AV/lock/lost's not included in the price of the PC solution, although they sure as hell market it within the PC solution's GUI (that's how I knew about it).  That's extremely annoying, but it was probably something I didn't need, either...a true AV solution would hog system resources and I'm only looking for something to with features to use in finding lost or stolen phones.

I'm growing used to the Otter Defender case.  The built-in screen protector still doesn't sit well with me, but I've found that if I'm quick with the stylus, it isn't as intrusive to the stylus experience.

I've taken some pretty good pictures with the Note 3 so far and have even doe some video of my son's MMA exams (I captured some slow-mo footage of moving nunchaku).  The video settings layouts are a bit confusing to navigate.

The Note 3 really doesn't have all that much more to offer than the Note 2, IMO.  The only drastic difference are the video settings...there are some seriously high offerings if you want to capture good video.  Is that worth an upgrade from a Note 2?  It depends on how much of a video nut you are (not everyone cares about having the latest specs as far as video capturing is concerned).

Another thing:  I spent a ton of time in creating several themes using the Next launcher on my Note 2.  I lost those when I went to the Note 3.  I ran a back-up but the Next developer should have it backed up to SD card as well (and have the name and location of the backup noted somewhere within the configuration).

I also got my oldest kid an HTC One M8 (she had an iPhone but wanted to go Android).  She loves it.  It is a beautiful phone...I couldn't stop telling her and the store consultant that.  The only thing I didn't like about that phone is that the battery is not removable.  I'm not sure about the 4 Ultra Pixel's more marketing than anything, and I'm pretty sure it's not going to out-shoot my Note 3.  I love the Sense UI, as well.  I have not played with it all that much since I got it for my daughter, but one evening I'll have her unlock it so that I can play with it a bit.

I've still been wondering about the LG G3 (and even the G2).  I was actually considering the G2 when I was trying to decide which phones to consider.  It's cons were:  non-removable battery and no SD slot.  The G2 is also a free phone (as a contract phone)...I have no idea how much they're charging for it as an Edge upgrade.  The G2 has the same hardware as an's VERY fresh as far as hardware is concerned.  I think most people couldn't stomach the volume and power buttons layout, which is why it's a free contract phone with Verizon.  I might even consider seeing if I can buy an unlocked G2 as a spare phone (they shouldn't cost too much on Craigslist or eBay).

The G3 is due to be released this summer (it's already been debuted).  I'm predicting mid-July as a Verizon release date.  I'm on the Vz notification list so that I'll know when they decide to sell it.  I want to check it out.  It may well replace my Note 3 (and soon).  I'd have to pay at least 50% of my Note 3 before I can  "edge up", though.  The G3 is a great phone and will be running a ground-breaking display.  It'll be using the SnapDragon 801 series CPU in the US.  It has a removable battery and a micro-SD slot that'll take 128GB cards. (!!)  It's almost as big as a Note 3.  While it doesn't have a stylus, I rarely use the Note's stylus anyways.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Edged Up...Also Got the Note 3!

So, my daughter's 13th birthday was yesterday.  The wife and I got her an iPhone 5S (which is what she wanted).  While we were at the Verizon store, I was told that I was eligible for the Edge program (I will not explain Edge here...most Vz customers will know what Edge is).  I was curious, as I'm tired of always being locked to a phone for 2 years, so I had the Vz shop explain everything to me.  I believe the Edge program would benefit people who like to upgrade ahead of 2 years.  So, I went home and did some thinking.  I'm aware that the Note 4 will eventually be out...I always miss these releases.  I almost decided to wait until my contract with my Note 2 ended (that wouldn't have been a bad idea, either).  I did some research online and it was very difficult for me to decide which phone I'd like to upgrade to, because the Note 2 is THAT good...seriously.

There were two other phones that caught my eye that I could get through Verizon:  The HTC One Max and the LG G2.  The thing I didn't like about the Max was that it is just a big HTC One M8.  It is also extremely large at 5.9" in display area...that might've been too much for me.  Those cons weren't the kickers, though.  The kicker was that the back camera was 4MP (really???)  And a phone that big (I hate the word phablet, so I won't be using that term) needs a stylus.  The LG G2 looks like it would've held my has LOTS of features and the phone appears to be more responsive than the Galaxy S4 (probably due to Samsung's Touchwiz bloat).  The Note 3 is better than both of them, although I was willing to compromise (but only to an extent).

I ended up getting the Note 3.  I might've been happy enough with the HTC One Max, but I would not have been happy with that camera.  I came close to getting the G2, though.  What lured me toward the Note 3 was the fact that I was already familiar with the Note 2, which would help me when using the Note 3.  Also, the phone on the Note 3 is spectacular and has slow-motion (120fps) capture and 1080p 60fps capture as well.  The charging/syncing port is different, too (using USB 3.0 now and has a funky new port that can still use a regular micro-USB cable to sync).

I got the black version and got an Otter Defender case (will have to sell the Note 2 Otter Commuter case that I have).  I sorely missed the belt clip, which the Commuter case doesn't use, but I could never find a Defender case for my Note 2 in local shops.  One thing I don't like about the Defender is that built-in screen stylus doesn't like it at all, so I've been using my finger when texting.  I was tempted to cut out the plastic, but I'll try using it for a few weeks instead of being hasty.  Another thing:  I got my daughter a Lifeproof case for her phone...that damn thing was expensive, but I wanted no excuses that she got it wet or broke it.  I wanted to get one for my new phone, but apparently they aren't making them for the Note 3.  That's OK, though, because it doesn't have a belt clip.

For some reason, migrating my data to the new phone took forever, but I've been using the Note 2 heavily the last year, so there was much more data that had to be pushed to the new phone.  As well, I was never near wifi for it to complete the syncing (was shopping after I got the new phone).

My next purchase will be a larger microSD card (64GB).  I ran upon the limit of my 32GB microSD card several times the last 12 months.  I might also look into another battery, because I'm using a Pebble smartwatch now and I have to keep BT on for it to work with my phone is sucking down battery power bigtime.  I 'm lucky if I can get 10 hours of usage out of it.  If I don't touch the phone, battery life is fine, though.

There was also an Android update waiting for me when I got my hands on the phone (v4.4.3).

Other than getting all my apps installed on the new phone, I've not played with it yet.  I still need to get the Next launcher running again (will have to customize a new theme).

I'll post up any new findings I discover/experience.