My carrier offered my family free use of Apple Music. I usualy don't check the monthly perks that Verizon throws my way, as much of it is junk that is free for a month of use. Not in this case.
I used a free trial of Apple Music when I first bought the phone last year. I liked it a lot but wasn't willing to pay monthly for it.
My wife was checking our account's perks back in November and saw that Verizon was offering Apple Music for all phones on the account. I immediately wenth through the process of committing to enrolling. Luckily, my wife saw the notice maybe a week before the offer expired. I enrolled my phone, her phone, and one of my kid's phones (can't remember which of the three kids' phones I enrolled, but two of them didn't want it when I asked them).
I also recently canceled my Sirius XM subscription, too. I've been working remotely since Covid hit the US, so I no longer commute to work, and Sirius XM is not cheap ($29 a month?). The past two trips back and forth to my parents' home, I used Apple Music in place of Sirius XM and Apple Music was great. There are enough radio stations so that I'm not bored during the 6 hour drive. There are podcasts. I can listen to my personal music through the Apple Music app.
I travel up/down the I-95 corridor, and cellular broadband works without gaps in service. With Sirius XM, there would be micro interruptions of service whenever I would go under bridges and over-passes. If it were cloudy, I'd have service gaps. If I were riding parallel to rocky hillsides or cliffs, I'd experience service gaps. I had none of that when using my phoned as an entertainment conduit via cellular broadband.
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