Monday, July 27, 2015

Steam Hit by Major Security Breach, Many Accounts Hacked! -- Master Herald

The gist of it is, Steam was cracked, many Steam accounts were hacked, but Steam didn't notify it's users.  In my opinion, that's a major way.  With today's problem with internet breaches, providers should be prompt and proactive in notifying their user base, as breaches tend to not only affect a person's service account, it can also affect finances and credit.  There's a lot of gray or overlapping areas where breaches are concerned.  If a game service provider is hacked and credit card data is tied to the account, purchases can be made internet-wide.  As well, home address information tied the the account can be used to open lines of credit against your name.

I really think that there should be laws that govern how businesses interact with their customers when breaches occur.  There should be no more waiting when there's a time criticality tied to most breaches.

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