Monday, September 22, 2008

iPhone Didn't Want To Awake!

So, I'm chatting with my wife on the way home from work, hang up and noticed five minutes later that the phone doesn't want to wake up. I kept fiddling with it and holding down the sleep keep for 10-20 seconds.

Finally, I pulled over and took out my Macbook. I plugged the phone into the Macbook. It made the chime sound but still wouldn't power up. I looked at iTunes and noticed that iTunes saw the iPhone without issue.

I decided to take the phone to Best Buy so they could sort it out. I left not long after, because the kids were acting like they were on crack and because the sales people had their heads up their bungholes.

When I got home I did a quick google search and saw that you could power-cycle the iPhone by holding both the sleep and home keys for ten seconds (first link in the google search). I did this and got a silver apple...and after a sixty-second wait, I saw the phone was back to normal. And just in time, too, because the phone immediately starts ringing (it was my wife telling me that she was on the way home).

It's been...what...going on three weeks? That's the first and only issue I have with the phone, so far.

Oh yeah, its now running software version 2.1 (and can go several days without a charge, which is far better than before the update).

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