Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Purchased Applecare+ for the Macbook Air

 After seeing a month+ of many folks sharing that they've damaged their Macbooks' screens (either by dropping or neglecting to remember that the notebook is fragile), I decided to purchase Applecare+.

The thing about insurance is that you might not need to use it.  I wanted to have it in case I ever need it.

I think I use my Mac Mini more than I do my MBA, but every time I handle the Macbook, there's this nagging feeling that I'm going to drop it.  Maybe it's that slick feeling case.  Or maybe it's the fact that it feels ultra-light and thin..  The top case is very thin, in fact, to the point that it doesn't take much to damage the screen (evidenced by the high amount of posters at the MacRumors forums and sub-Reddits, sharing the damage they caused).

One thing that I noticed is that when purchasing Applecare+, the owner is given the option of subscribing annually ($99/year) or paying a lump sum of $199 for three years of coverage.  I'm not sure which would've been best for me, but opted for the 3-year plan since I'll have the MBA a while (longer than 3 years, more than likely).  

It just makes sense, to me, to buy the coverage (mainly for the accidental) and not worry so much about display damage.  Note that I'm only interested in entertaining my use case...I've no need to explore any scenarios outside of my own usage patterns.

And, no, I didn't purchase Applecare+ for my Mac Mini M1.  It's not mobile and I have less worry of dropping it than my MBA.

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