Monday, August 24, 2015

iMac- Possible Drive Failure....Again

About a month ago, my iMac started acting funky again, only I didn't receive any drive failure alerts.  I ran several diagnostic checks on the system and the system checks out fine.  I won't take it back to Apple's Genius Bar because the system is out of warranty and it also is too heavy to be taking back and forth to Apple.  I wouldn't mind taking it in if they told me it would be a warranty repair and if I wouldn't have to keep ferrying the system back to them.

I ran FSCK twice (the first time it had to clear out some issues...the second time it didn't alert on any issues).  I used Disk Utility in Recovery mode to check the drive (there were no warnings).  I checked the disk's permissions...there were many that needed corrections but it fixed them all.  I reset NVRAM.  I tried Safe Boot mode.  I reset the SMC.  Nothing is working.

I opened the system and cleaned it of dust.  I didn't see anything amiss internally (the inside wasn't uber-dusty, either).

What's happening?  The damned beach ball is taking over the computer, which is why I think it's a drive issue.  It could well be a RAM issue, especially since it's only got 4GB of RAM but it has been running fine on 4GB for YEARS.  I can't use Activity Monitor to check any of the resources because the damned beach ball won't let me open anything.

Another thing is that the system keeps opening all these apps that I ran the last time I used the system and some of them are resource-intensive (iMovie, for example)...I wish there was a way to tell the system to clear out any cached apps and to not run them anymore, since it's interfering with my troubleshooting.

I'll be ordering a drive from iFixit but I need to know what brand is inside the computer.  I'd much rather not have to open it again, but I might have to, since it's taking forever to check within OS X.

But before I do that, I'm going to reinstall OS X to see if this fixes the problem.  I checked Disk Utility yet again and don't see any errors or SMART warnings.  I actually scanned the system with the included Application CD, which has additional didn't detect anything.  I think a reinstall of OS X may work as my daughter was running a crapload of 3rd party software for Minecraft...she may have hosed the system.

UPDATE:'s working.  I was right...there must've been an issue with the OS installation. I need to get current OS-wise, though...I had to go all the way back to Snow Leopard.  I can't even install Lion, Mountain Lion, or Yosemite until I download the 10.6.8 update.

UPDATE #2:  As of 10/14/15, it's still working without issue.

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