Friday, December 28, 2012

White iPad Mini

I'm the new owner of a white iPad Mini.  It is the wifi-only version and is 64GB in capacity.

This replaces my 32GB 1G iPad (full-sized).  That unit is now my son's (on loan...if he misbehaves, I will take it back and sell it).

I'll be reviewing the Mini when time permits.

I still use the following, as well:

  • iPod Classic 30GB - car jukebox, since it has lots of space.
  • iPhone 3GS 32GB - car jukebox, since it also has bluetooth.
  • White Macbook Core Duo - I still use it ocassionally, although it has been replaced by my Alienware M17x R3.
  • iMac 27" - I use this when I really need screen real estate...but the Alienware is faster and I use it more often than the iMac. I use it as an additional screen as well, specifically when playing BF3.
My daughters got iPad Mini (wifi-only, 16GB models, one white and one black), as well.

Then, my wife went a bit crazy.  She initially bought the girls their Minis.  I saw them and played with them, then decided I might want one.  She ordered me one but the order didn't go through properly, so it was was also white when I wanted black.  She ordered a black 32GB and then changed her mind and decided to get another that was 64GB, with plans on returning the 32GB model.  Well, a few days before Christmas, she presented them to me both as early presents.  I was to pick one of them.  The only thing was, she couldn't find a black 64GB...they only had white.  I was expecting a black one but not expecting her to get a 64GB version.  I opted for the 64GB version, even though it was white.  I also mentioned to her that the 32GB unit was actually marked as 16GB...they shipped her the wrong one.  She pannicked, because the receipt stated she purchased a 32GB unit and she thought they'd reject her claim.  She called them and it took awhile for them to process the the meantime, they sent her the proper unit, so that when she returned them, it would be less of an issue.  So she has two extra iPads (that need to be returned).  I got a headache when trying to track all that!  :)

Currently, I'm trying to back up my 1G iPad and iPod Classic.  This is difficult, as the iPad is now backing up to iCloud and I've to determine how to generate a local backup without duplicating music/vids/books.  As well, iPads and iPhones always want to back up from iTunes.  That's a problem, because my iMac's hard drive had to be replaced by Apple and I lost all my data (and Time Machine backups).  I think I did a write-up a few years ago on how to restore data from the iPhone back into iTunes...I just need to find it.

EDIT ---

So, I found the write-up:

There's a problem, though.  I've over 1500 tracks that need to be backed up.  Senuti will only back up 1000 tracks, unless you purchase a license.  I didn't want to have to fork over $20 for this, especially since I've only used this program twice in 4+ years.  I'll look at other options listed in my write-up and purchase a Senuti license as a last resort.  Another issue is that Windows will NOT sync my iPod Classic since it is running a Macintosh OS...I'd have to wipe the drive before I can use it in Windows, so I've no choice but to use my iMac (not a problem in itself, but that means I can't use SharePod, since it's a Windows-only app.

EDIT 2 ---

Oh shit...there are methods of doing this from the terminal!!  I'm need to purchase Senuti or any other program, if I'm reading the directions correctly...gonna give the following a shot:



The iPod songs are hidden away on your iPod in an invisible folder, ie one that the Finder won't display normally. It is possible to let the Finder display hidden files as outlined in this guide or with 3rd Party Software. Otherwise you can follow the below instructions.
All songs are stored in this location:
In this folder are a number of folders usually labelled from F00 to F49 or higher. The songs are actually stored in these folders with obscure names that are usually not relevant to the song.
To copy these songs using the Terminal, follow these steps:
  1. Launch Terminal which is located at /Applications/Utilities/Terminal
  2. Type in (replacing [YouriPodName] with the name of your iPod)
    cd /Volumes/[YouriPodName]/iPod_Control
  3. To copy the music to your Desktop, type in
    rsync -r Music ~/Desktop
  4. Once the rsync command has completed, drag the Music folder on your Desktop onto the iTunes icon on the Dock or in Finder
  5. Wait while iTunes imports all the songs
  • This method does not recover your playlists, ratings or play count.
  • If you use the standard copy command "cp", it will copy the special hidden flag and not allow you to see the folder in the Finder.
  • This method does not work for the iPhone or iPod Touch, as they do not have "disk mode".


I'll confirm if this works, but I'm already within the Music/ directory within the command-line interface.

EDIT 3 ---

Yep!  Worked!  Backing up the files and storing onto my backup drive.  Will also transfer the files from this system to my Alienware, so I can put them on my Mini.

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