Friday, February 25, 2011


I'm beginning to HATE iWeb. I can only post things if I use my MacBook or iMac. I can't create iWeb content using my iPad or a Windows machine (WTF). There's also the issue with my Macbook having an older copy of iWeb...I'm trying to prevent having to spend $70 to get the latest version of iLife. Yeah, its only $70, but factor in that I have to use the word 'only' every time I purchase software or computer supplies...that stuff adds up (seriously).

So, coming back to Blogger seems to be the logical solution. I can access Blogger from any system while I can't with iWeb. I don't have to pay for Blogger to ensure compatibility, either. I think iWeb has become an afterthought for Apple. The Apple mindset of "we know better than the user/consumer" gets old after awhile...

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