Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Time Machine

So, I've got a 750GM LaCie drive that I bought maybe a year and a half ago at Microcenter for the purpose of backing up my work laptop's hard disk.  Instead, I decided to use it for my Macbook.  I've been using it off and on, but after I got the iMac, I decided that I could just activate Time Machine on the desktop.  In fact, I may be able to use it for both the laptop and desktop.

Backing up every hour for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for all the previous months is cool as hell when all you have to do is keep it plugged in (and not that this is without configuration).

Sooner or later, though, I'm going to have to get a bigger a 1TB disk in the iMac.

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