October of last year (2021), I posted about issues with AMD's video card and gaming software management console.
I tried various tutorials to get it to work and went as far as uninstalling all video drivers from the system using several different driver removal software packages. None of it worked.
I've been manually checking for driver updates since I couldn't get the console software to work on my system. I'd check maybe every two months. I refused to follow most recommendations of reinstalling the OS just to get this to work and I cursed AMD every time I had to do this manually. It's not difficult to do, but this is 2022...I shouldn't have to be doing this manually. I'd also check to see if I could get that console software to run after every update...it never worked (it wouldn't give an error but would flatout not work).
So, today, I checked and saw that there was a recent driver. I downloaded it manually and installed it. I checked to see if the console software would work - and it did! I didn't change a thing with this system, so it wasn't something that I'd forgotten or didn't know how to do.
This tells me that it's a driver-, console- or installer-related issue.
I have noticed that my Nvidia GTX 1060 6 GB video card was still stronger than this AMD RX 6600 and between that and this console issue, was very close to getting rid of the RX 6600 and going back to the 1060 (it's in my storage closet).
Now I get to look at the console and see how well it compares to Nvidia's.