Saturday, April 25, 2020

PC Gaming

During the pandemic, I've not been able to do my normal hobby (visiting the local range to shoot my firearms).

I've been trying to do things that are different.  One example is that I've been delving in using Python (the programming language). 

Another thing that I've been doing is playing different PC games than I'm used to.  I've recently been playing Cold Waters, a submarine warfare sim.  I've also been playing Arma 2.  I'd install Arma 3 but I probably have to uninstall a few other games before I do that.  Arma 2 has a smaller footprint.

I also recently bought Steel Beasts Pro PE, a tank/armor simulator that uses sandboxes (similar to Arma 3).  I bought the original version maybe 20 years ago and thought I'd have fun with the latest version.  It is fun but something that you have to keep playing to get used to.

Lastly, yesterday, I bought a set of rudder pedals and 8 GB of DDR3 RAM (to add to my gaming desktop, which already has 8 GB - I needed to add another 8).  The pedals I bought are CH Pro pedals.  It took me two weeks to decide which pedals to buy.  I didn't want to buy anything super-expensive...I just need a decent set to use to play War Thunder SB or even DCS with (I've the first version of Black Shark as well as A-10C Warthog, which I've rarely used).  If I end up flying SB within War Thunder or DCS a lot more, then I'll invest in a very nice set of pedals.  I plan to use the CH Pro pedals with my X52 Pro HOTAS.

I'm finding myself playing less War Thunder RB.  I think I'm bored.  I've been playing it hardcore a bit over a year and it's getting redundant.

I'll keep you all updated the next few weeks.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

TrackIR and FPS

I bought a TrackIR (version 5) a few years ago but hardly ever used it. I wanted to try to use it for flight sims but never got around to using it. Well, I dusted it off and used it to play some Arma 2 this past weekend. All I can say is....WOW! I should've been using this a long time ago. While I realize that not all games allow for head-tracking, Arma does (I've many of the Arma variants, including Arma 3). I also used it a bit to play some War Thunder. It was awesome there as well, allowing for a very immersive bit of gameplay (although I just used the test drive feature to test the hardware). To use TrackIR with War Thunder will also, for full immersion, require the use of HOTAS, which I do have (I've the Saitek X52 Pro throttle and stick combo), as well as rudder pedals, which I do not yet have (I'm in the process of deciding which to buy...I'm not looking for Gucci equipment...just some decent pedals to facilitate gameplay). I'll be testing other FPS games to see if they allow for head-tracking. I may also delve into other flight sims such as DCS and the IL2 series. Stay tuned.